Friday, November 13, 2015

Love is an open door!

Often times we base our first impressions of those that we meet on who that person is in that moment. Because of that impression we might frame everything that they do with that impression without considering a change. In a conversation we had in our class discussion one time, we talked about how we could come into someone's or a family's life when they are going through a hard time or even a good or successful time. One time in my life I met someone that I did not have that great of an impression of. I judged them from that time in their life when I really did not know that person. After I got to know them, I would hear of what they are going through or anything that was making them act the way they are acting. I learned that instead of judging so harshly at first, always give people a first positive impression. From that we can love that person already and can even be of assistance in their time of need. In the New Testament, Matthew 18: 21-22 Jesus tells Peter that we should forgive everybody not just seven times, but seventy times seven. Jesus is telling us to forgive everyone no matter what. I feel like that can apply to first impressions. We need to give the benefit of the doubt and not judge but love. Through that we can even forgive them easier if they hurt us in any way. If we love the person and had respect for them, we would not want to hurt them. We need to be understanding of everyone because we never know what they are going through in their life and what challenges God has given them to mold them into the person they can become.

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