Wednesday, December 9, 2015


Like many families, separation occurs which typically is very painful and not positively talked about. In some cases divorce is necessary, but in some cases I feel like it is a lack of communication. In my own experience, communication can be difficult and sometimes, if done wrong, can make things worse. I have communicated in the wrong way and in the right way before. When I communicated in the wrong way, I often used the words "you" instead of the words "I feel". The difference is simple, but important. When I communicated right, I would often express what I felt the other person is doing and how it made me feel without accusing them of any actions that may have been theirs. Although sometimes miscommunication is the main reason for divorce. Other reasons could be abuse or a thought of incompatibility. divorce can happen in many ways, but can also be prevented in many ways. A couple could go to couples therapy or research better ways to communicate. There are many ways to deal with divorce, but it takes time forgiveness, and vulnerability.

Wednesday, December 2, 2015


There are many types of parenting and several ways in which parents instruct and protect their children. There are three types that are overall encompassing of how parents parent. One way is called dictator style. This style is a forceful style with many rules and harsh consequences. There is not much affection in this type of parenting, but there is still love. The second style is called permissive. This style is very much the opposite of the dictator parenting style. This way of parenting offers a life without rules. The parents feel that if they let their children do what they want, they will figure out how to act and do the best things eventually. These parents just want to please their children. The last style is called active parenting style. This style is in the middle of permissive and authoritarian styles. This style has rules, but has freedom within those rules. These parents show the children they care but have rules to keep them from harm. It is said that the most effective parenting style is the active parenting style. I was lucky to have grown up with this type of parenting style. My parents did have rules, but they were rules for my safety. I knew they were rules for my safety because my parents would always explain why they made these rules. In authoritarian style the parents did not explain much of why they had the rules, they just enforce them. My parents also showed me they loved me because they would show it to me. They were my friends, but also my parents, and I knew that. In the permissive style, the parents want their children to be their best friends and try to please their children by letting them do whatever they want. To this day, I am grateful for my parents active role in my life and how they raised me. They were not perfect, but they were always trying to be better.